As you may have noticed I haven't blogged in a gazillion million years. This makes me very sad and feel like I am neglecting one of the things I treasure the most. :(
However, there is a reason for this, along with a reason I am rambling on in an excited jibber jabber nonsensical way.
*Cue celebrations* yaayyyy aha.:P
It has been a long time in the works but I have finally got my new blog up and running. I have wanted to start from scratch for a while now (you may have noticed my indecision with this blog). As much as I love it something wasn't quite right.
My new blog will still be me writing about all things girly, but I now feel like I also have the freedom to blog about my life and random other things I feel may interest you all. I also have a new Youtube channel to go along side this blog where I will be vlogging, reviewing, rambling. hauling etc.
So without further or do, welcome to...
Thank you sooo much for sticking with me this long, I honestly appreciate and love every one of you that bothers to read my little corner of the Internet. I will be keeping this blog live so you can always look back on these posts but its unlikely I will post here again. *RIP little one :(*
Please head over and follow Louminous by clicking here.You could also tweet or share it with everyone you know (if you are feeling extra snazzy and generous:P)
Thank you again and I look forward to seeing you over there!
Lots and lots of snuggles and hugs